Orientation department
According to what is established in the Educational Ideology of the School, its purpose is to provide a solid human, intellectual, doctrinal and spiritual formation based on two key educational postulates: academic excellence and personal excellence.
Derived from this approach, its purpose is to train people of integrity, academically autonomous, responsible for their personal development, committed to Christian ideals and values, aware of their transcendent destiny and with a vocation to serve others and the good of the country. To the above, it adds the purpose of adding value through comprehensive training and thus differentiating its educational results from similar entities.

Specific objectives:
Apply the Orientation Plan for each level, that allows the growth of the students, in the personal and social sphere.
Analyze during the school year the impact of the Guidance Program at each level.
Establish strategies that allow attention and repair of negative behaviors in students.
Implement strategies that support the work of the heads of courses.
Evaluate the task of the head teachers of each school year.
Identify and respond to the attention needs of students with greater difficulties.
Contribute through the work carried out with Conditional students to improve their behavior.
Know the socioeconomic reality of the students.
Attend to the diversity of psychosocial problems of students.
Promote strategies that favor the interest and participation of students in the activities proposed by the Guidance Program.
Main actions:
Development of an Institutional Orientation Plan.
Development of the Orientation Subject from First Grade to Middle Fourth.
Value Project, according to the stage of development of the students.
Workshops in the Courses that have presented a need for attention. (At the request of the Fr. Chief).
Interview with parents and students who present problems arising from Coexistence (at stipulated times).
Delivery of Values Project Material for each Head Teacher.
E Delivery to the Teacher of Interviews Folder of students and parents.
Delivery of on-line guidelines for the meeting of parents to Head Teachers.
Interviews annually to teachers who assume leadership in the Establishment for the first time.
Development of the Councils of Head Teachers in each Cycle, according to the institutional calendar.
Application of an annual evaluation of the Head of Course.
Referral to external support institutions.
Interview with Conditional students.
Conducting home visits to the homes of students with vulnerability problems and financial support where necessary (Social Assistant).
Carrying out workshops for Conditional Students.
Reception and management of actions requested by family courts.
Active participation in meetings, training and talks with support networks.
Interviews with Conditional Students.
Interviews with Parents of Conditional Students.
Development of a Vocational talk for High School students.
Development of Vocational Seminar.
Organization of a Study Trip for each 3rd and 4th year of Secondary Education to Higher Education Institutions.
Organization of 2 Visits to Parent Schools for 3rd and 4th grade students who show interest.
Annual Talks to 4th Media about the PSU Process.
Coordination of the Enrollment of the 4th Media in the PSU.
Project Coordination Forgers of the Environment from 1st to 5th grade.